Business Coaching - Improve Your Marketing Effectiveness and Acquire More Customers

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 |

Maximum Profit Internet Business Strategies (Business Coaching Audio)
Learn how to start, fund, and grow a profitable online business that you can ultimately automate or sell. From product and service line development to marketing and the administrative side of operating a web business, you will discover what you need to develop, plan, and implement a high ROI business model.

Highly-Effective Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Any Business
(Business Coaching Workshop)

Have you ever heard the mantra "Build it and they will come?" Unfortunately, that saying happens to be one of the biggest misconceptions in business today. Entrepreneurs often think that if they have a great product or service that will be enough. However, without the proper marketing, branding, and distribution, even the best product offerings will fall flat. Cost effectively reaching prospects and converting those prospects into customers is the biggest challenge of any business. Learn invaluable strategies for profitably marketing your products, services, and company on abudget both online and offline.

The Essential Contents of a Marketing Plan (Business Coaching Article)
Every marketing plan has to fit the needs and situation. Even so, there are standard components you just can't do without. Every marketing plan should always have the following four components.

Public Relations Marketing (Business Coaching Article)
Public Relations involves a variety of programs designed to maintain or enhance a company's image and the products and services it offers. Successful implementation of an effective public relations strategy can be a critical component to a marketing plan.

11 Rules for Selling to a Skeptic (Business Coaching Article)
Discover eleven fundamental techniques used by those who succeed in persuading the worst of cynics. Each of these 11 rules is designed to complement each other and give you a thorough footing for selling to those who are naturally doubtful about you and your service.

Direct Sales Training/Sales Team Development (Business Coaching Workshop)
Capitalize on the five significant untapped revenue streams that nearly all network marketers miss.

For more information on BARON Business Coaching,
call (888) 90-BARON or complete the contact form.


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