Business Coach Video with William R. Patterson - Multiply Your Income with BARON Business Coaching

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 |

Business Coach
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Business Coach William R. Patterson discusses THE BARON SOLUTION Business Coaching Program which helps executives, entrepreneurs, and small business owners maximize income opportunities while minimizing risk. William shares how you can use business coaching to leverage industry best-practices, turnkey solutions, and value-added resources to achieve higher net income, growth, productivity and freedom in your business.

Business Coaching - Access Capital to Start or Grow Your Business


Business Coaching - Accessing Capital

Business Coaching - Access Capital to Start or Grow Your Business

Discover strategies for accessing different pools of capital including government grants, guaranteed loans, angel investor, private equity, and venture capital funds.

How to Obtain Corporate Sponsorship (Business Coaching Article)
Learn the BARON step-by-step strategy for securing five- and six-figure corporate sponsorship. Discover the best ways to communicate the benefits of participating in your event to a sponsor.

Offering Memorandum Preparation (Business Coaching Service)
The BARON Business Plan and Offering Memorandum are must have documents if you are serious about running a successful business and acquiring funding. In addition to addressing long-term strategy, market analysis, financial analysis, risk factors and contingencies, The BARON Business Coaching team can work with you to prepare and maximize the effectiveness of your presentation for specific investor or capitalization plan meetings. Once we understand your vision, we will create a realistic, honest and concise business plan to help you operate with greater efficiency, increasing revenue and reducing costs. This well thought out plan will also help you avoid the real dangers of choosing the wrong strategic and equity capital partners.

How to Obtain Government Grants (Business Coaching Workshop)
There is over $360 billion dollars awarded annually to State and local governments, academia, non-profits, and other organizations. Learn how to find and apply to over 900 grant programs from the 26 Federal grant-making agencies. Take advantage of untapped resources including Federal, State, and local grants, low-interest loans, and subsidies to fund your business, non-profit organization, or real estate venture.

For more information on BARON Business Coaching,
call (888) 90-BARON or complete the contact form.

Business Coaching - Increase Your Income by Expanding Your Product Line


Quickly Turn Your Product Line Into a Fortune (Business Coaching Audio)
Capitalize on these smart low-cost ways to grow your product line to rapidly increase sales and boost your profits. Most people are sitting on an untapped goldmine and don't even know it. Using The Baron Solution™ turnkey approach, anyone can learn how to create a profitable product line from scratch. You will discover step-by-step how to get started, what products to sell, how to package your offerings for maximum profit, and the best places and strategies for marketing your products online and offline.

For more information on BARON Business Coaching,
call (888) 90-BARON or complete the contact form.

Business Coaching - Improve Your Marketing Effectiveness and Acquire More Customers


Maximum Profit Internet Business Strategies (Business Coaching Audio)
Learn how to start, fund, and grow a profitable online business that you can ultimately automate or sell. From product and service line development to marketing and the administrative side of operating a web business, you will discover what you need to develop, plan, and implement a high ROI business model.

Highly-Effective Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Any Business
(Business Coaching Workshop)

Have you ever heard the mantra "Build it and they will come?" Unfortunately, that saying happens to be one of the biggest misconceptions in business today. Entrepreneurs often think that if they have a great product or service that will be enough. However, without the proper marketing, branding, and distribution, even the best product offerings will fall flat. Cost effectively reaching prospects and converting those prospects into customers is the biggest challenge of any business. Learn invaluable strategies for profitably marketing your products, services, and company on abudget both online and offline.

The Essential Contents of a Marketing Plan (Business Coaching Article)
Every marketing plan has to fit the needs and situation. Even so, there are standard components you just can't do without. Every marketing plan should always have the following four components.

Public Relations Marketing (Business Coaching Article)
Public Relations involves a variety of programs designed to maintain or enhance a company's image and the products and services it offers. Successful implementation of an effective public relations strategy can be a critical component to a marketing plan.

11 Rules for Selling to a Skeptic (Business Coaching Article)
Discover eleven fundamental techniques used by those who succeed in persuading the worst of cynics. Each of these 11 rules is designed to complement each other and give you a thorough footing for selling to those who are naturally doubtful about you and your service.

Direct Sales Training/Sales Team Development (Business Coaching Workshop)
Capitalize on the five significant untapped revenue streams that nearly all network marketers miss.

For more information on BARON Business Coaching,
call (888) 90-BARON or complete the contact form.

Business Coaching - Joint Ventures, Strategic Partnerships, Private Label, Networking


Finding the Right Business Partners (Business Coaching Article)
One of the major challenges facing entrepreneurs and business leaders is finding the right business partners. Great care should be exercised when selecting associates because the right choice can bridge gaps and assist in the execution of your business plan. The wrong choice can harm the reputation and earnings of your company. Here are six important factors to consider when forming strategic partnerships.

How to Motivate Under-Performing Personnel (Business Coaching Article)
One of the greatest challenges facing managers is motivating their personnel to achieve outstanding performance. Leverage proven BARON strategies for personnel management that can help any organization increase profits and achieve long-term success.

For more information on BARON Business Coaching,
call (888) 90-BARON or complete the contact form.